Quality Considerations for Multiple Aspects of Munitions Response Sites

About the Resources:

ITRC's GCMR-2 and companion internet-based training introduced new Quality Assurance and Quality Control (QA/QC) procedures developed for geophysical classification surveys using advanced geophysical sensors. As a result of these advances in QA/QC procedures, many of the QA/QC activities presented in previous ITRC documents “Geophysical Proveouts for Munitions Response Projects” (UXO-3) and “Quality Considerations for Munitions Response Projects” (UXO-5) were out of date. To address this, the ITRC Quality Considerations for Multiple Aspects of Munitions Response Sites Team (QCMR-1) created a new Guidance Document that captures the pertinent information from ITRC's UXO-3 and UXO-5 with additional advances in geophysical classification procedures.